Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Okay, this is it. PERKAD is one of biggest serious assignment for the University. It covers 30% mark for my HBU121 subject. Perkad stands for "Pertandingan Kawad Kaki". We organised it for all part 1 students. This is the first time I join to handle some big event, and I agree it was tiring me alot. It's like I can't find time to rest, maybe yes I can rest that day but it is just not enough. Anyway it was fun and the experience is the important thing. This is the first and the last time I will join Perkad. I mingle a lot then =)

 With the AJK. Jodieh & Azrin :)

The teachers. Ex-soldier before & they are like "lion" in class. But they're funny then :)

Met her at the Volleyball games =)